Roulette is a game of chance that can be fun and profitable. Before you play, make sure you understand the different bet types and odds.
Once you’ve purchased a roulette chip, the dealer (or “croupier”) will ask you what denomination you want to designate for it. You’ll then place it on the numbered portion of the table.
Despite being a classic casino game, roulette’s origins are not completely clear. Some historians claim that it evolved from a game called Biribi, which was played in Italy. Others think that it began in China and was then spread by monks who traveled throughout the country.
What is certain, however, is that roulette first appeared in France in 1796. It was first mentioned in a book by Jaques Lablee. The book described a wheel that had both single- and double-zero numbers. Many people assume that this was the same wheel as today’s roulette, but it was not: the original wheels had only one zero and were used in casinos for Paris’s upper class. The game’s popularity in Europe eventually spread to America, where the single-zero version became dominant.
There are many variations of roulette, each with its own unique twist on the game. Whether it’s an extra rule, an added bonus feature or a different layout, each variant brings a fresh perspective on the game. For example, Key Bet Roulette from IGT adds a twist by expanding betting options with novel features, such as multipliers and straight bonus wins of up to 1:12,000. Other examples include Double Ball Roulette, which uses two balls instead of one and European Roulette.