What is Domino?

Domino is a game in which players score points by arranging tiles in a line. The open ends of the dominoes must match. The first double, a spinner, is played lengthwise; the other tiles are added to it at right angles.

The resulting line is called the layout, string, or line of play. Dominoes are normally twice as long as they are wide.


Domino is the result of a top-secret government breeding program. She is a genetic mutant with the ability to influence the actions of others. She uses her powers to help people avoid bad situations and find good ones.

The domino game originated in Italy and became popular in Europe with the passage of time. Different variations of the game emerged in various countries, and each region developed its own rules.

The word domino derived from the traditional appearance of the tiles – black dots on white backgrounds. Its earlier sense denoted a hooded cape worn with a mask over the surplice of a priest at carnival seasons or masquerades. It may also have come from Latin dominus, meaning “lord.”


There are a number of rules that govern domino games. Most fall into one of four categories: bidding games, blocking games, and scoring games. In blocking games, the object is to empty one’s hand while preventing opponents from playing. Typically, the winner of a hand or game scores by counting the total value of the losing players’ hands.

In some games, the first double played acts as a spinner; other doubles are then played at right angles to the line of play and their values counted. In addition, the rules for counting a line of play vary from game to game.

Sometimes players draw more tiles for their hands than they can match and the excess is discarded without being seen. This is called an overdraw and it must be corrected before the next player draws for his hand.


Over the centuries, different materials have been used to make domino pieces. Some of the earliest were made from bone or ivory, but nowadays most sets are plastic. This material is less expensive than wooden blocks, which are more sturdy but can be prone to falling over. For stable constructions, the pieces must be twice as long as they are wide.

Some sets feature color dots on the dominoes to make matching them easier. These are popular with children. High-end wood dominoes, however, are true works of art. They are often carved by hand and can have hefty price tags that reflect the time and work put into them. Accessories are also available to make playing domino more convenient. A domino rack helps keep the tiles organized and secure, while a score pad and pencil help players keep track of scores.


There are many variations to the game of domino. Some of the most common are draw, block, and pair. In draw games, players alternately extend a domino line by adding tiles that match the open end of an earlier tile played.

Dominoes are rectangular tiles with an arrangement of spots, or pips, on one side and blank or identically patterned on the other. They are usually twice as long as they are wide, and are grouped into sets of 28.

In most variants, the tiles are shuffled and form the stock or boneyard from which each player draws seven. Players may then either draw by lot or by the heaviest hand. The player who scores the highest wins the game. Most people play to a certain point goal, such as 100 points.


The scoring system for domino varies from game to game. In most cases a line of dominoes is built on the table and players score based on the number of dots at each end of the domino. A double that can be played on all four sides is known as a spinner and scores more than a normal domino.

In some games the winner earns additional points based on the value of other players’ remaining hands. This is done by summing the value of each opponent’s hand, and rounding it up to the nearest multiple of five.

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