The Basics of Dominoes

Dominoes are a set of small tiles used in a variety of games. They are commonly used in bidding games, blocking games, scoring games, and round games.

They can also be played for trick and trump. There are many variations of dominoes, depending on how the game is played and who is playing it.


After the tiles are shuffled, each player draws a domino from the stock. The player who draws the heaviest tile makes the first play.

There are a number of different variations on this game, but all have the same basic rules. Players take turns placing a domino on the table.

Dominoes are laid end to end, except doubles, which are laid across the line of play. Scoring occurs when the exposed ends of a tile add up to multiples of 5.

If a player can’t match a domino, they can choose from the “boneyard” (the middle extra tiles) until they find a match.

When a player can’t find any matching domino, the game is blocked and the round is over. The next player plays their domino and tries to get rid of as many of the other players’ tiles as they can.

Some games also have a rule variation, which allows the player who holds a double to start the first hand. This can be especially useful if the player is holding other tiles with larger numbers than the double, which are worth more points.


The most common domino set is a double-six, which consists of two tiles each with one of six values (or blanks). These pips are separated by a line in the middle.

Players take turns laying single dominoes in a line, matching the value of their end to the value on the adjacent domino. In some variations, such as matador and muggins, the goal is not to match an adjacent domino but to play a number that totals seven when added to an end.

Some people use a tile rack to hold the single dominoes in their hand, but most domino players will simply stack them on the table top. This makes it easy to control the game, and helps keep the table clean.

Domino games have been around for centuries. They were first recorded in Italy and France during the 18th century, and later became popular in England by French prisoners-of-war.


There are many different materials used to make dominoes. Some are made of ivory or ebony, while others are made from marble.

The material that is used to make a domino set can make a significant difference in how the tiles feel when playing. There are also many different colors and styles available, so it is important to choose a set that will match your style of play.

The type of material a domino is made from can affect the feel of the game and how durable it is. For example, wooden dominoes are typically more durable than plastic ones.


A domino is a tile or set of tiles that have one side (called the “segment” or “end”) showing a number, while the other end shows nothing. The sum of the two values is called a domino’s weight and it can range from six to none or blank.

Several different scoring systems have been devised for domino. The most common is to count the open ends of all the tiles placed and then add them together. This process is called muggins and can be used to score on a counter or cribbage board.

A less popular variant is to score on the tiles themselves. This can be achieved by counting the total pip value of the tiles in a player’s hand, rounded up to the nearest five. This is not as reliable or as easy to read as the Holsey and Tidwell X’s method, but is often more fun. The best part of this strategy is that it allows players to try out new combinations with the existing tiles, which can be a fun and challenging experience.

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