Dominoes are a game of skill and strategy. There are many games of domino with slightly different rules, but they all involve the same principle: players try to empty their hands while blocking opponents’ play.
A domino is a small rectangular block with numbers on each end (known as pips). It is usually joined to adjacent tiles, so that one’s touching ends match (e.g., 6 to 4).
Domino is a game that requires both skill and luck. It is popular worldwide and is played by people of all ages. While the game originated in Asia, it is arguably more popular in Latin America. It is also one of the most commonly played games in the USA. It is known by many different names, including Mexican Train Dominos and domino Cubano.
The word domino is believed to be derived from the French word for a black and white hood worn by Christian priests in winter. The hoods had a similar appearance to the domino pieces, which were traditionally carved from bone with pips of inset ebony.
Dominoes made their way to Europe from China during Marco Polo’s travels, and they became a popular pastime in coffee shops and taverns. A set of dominoes was found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, dating back to the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, though historians believe it is likely that these were an imitation of European dominoes.
In a game of domino, each player draws and plays one tile each turn. If play is blocked and no player can make a play, the player with the lightest hand wins. The winner scores points based on the value of the opponents’ remaining dominoes (rounded to a multiple of five). The number of pips left in the winners’ hands is counted, taking into account the possibility that doubles count as one or two, and that double-blank may count as 0 or 14.
When a player plays a domino with the result that both ends show matching numbers, the resulting chain is called a “line of play.” Doubles are played across the line of play, while singles are played lengthwise. Each time a new tile is added to the line of play, the number on both ends must match.
Many different variations of domino exist. Some use different sized sets, and some have different rules for matching tiles. For example, in the game of Chicken Foot, a player must match an end of a chain to another end that shows a number other than the player’s own. This is called blocking.
In some games, such as Mexican Train and Muggins, the players build a line of trains or other shapes that occupy the entire table. In these games, the player who has the highest double plays first.
In some games, such as Matador and Bendomino, the players must use a special set of rules to match their tiles. These games also have a unique scoring method that involves counting the value of the losers’ remaining dominoes.
Domino construction is a fun and engaging activity that can help develop hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and creativity. It can also help to improve attention and focus.
Traditional dominoes are made of wood or plastic, but crafters can use a wide variety of other materials to make custom sets. These include resin, metal, glass, and clay.
Some sets are made of vegetable ivory, which is derived from the Tagua nut and has properties similar to mammal ivory. Other domino sets are made of bakelite, a type of plastic invented in 1907 and manufactured until the 1950s. European-style dominoes are traditionally made of bone or ivory, with a dark hardwood such as ebony as the base. This contrast is sometimes enhanced by a spinner, which is usually brass or pewter.
Players score points by forming chains that touch each other. The exposed ends must match (one’s touching one’s, two’s touching two’s and so on). When the dots total a multiple of five the player scores that amount. Any double that is exposed sideways on the end of a chain is scored counting both ends (ie a double six and a three gives a score of 15 points).
Domino games are often played until a certain number of rounds or a set point value has been reached. The player with the highest total score is declared the winner of the game. Controlling the Board Count (see below) is an important strategy to limit your opponents scoring opportunities.